The 2020 ACS 5-year estimates there are 3,088 total households in Gallatin County4. The average owner-occupied household size of 2.88 persons per household is larger than the Commonwealth and national averages at 2.55 and 2.69 respectively5.
Gallatin County’s average household size is slighlty larger than the average household size in Kentucky and the U.S.
Gallatin County has a significantly higher proportion of women of childbearing age who are unmarried, nearly 48% as compared with the Commonwealth and national averages at 34.5% and 32.8%4. Unmarried women represent those who are widowed, divorced, or have never married, aged 15-50, the typical childbearing age group.
Gallatin County’s traditional households representing (Husband/Wife) are slightly higher than average at 49% compared with state and national averages at 48% and 48.1% respectively4. Those living alone, make up 27% of all households followed closely by “other families” (non-traditional Husband/Wife) at 24%4.