Photo courtesy of Pew Research Center

The primary racial composition of Gallatin County is white. According to the 2020 ACS 5-year estimates, over 90% of Gallatin County selected ā€œWhite Aloneā€ as their race compared to 86.2% and 70.4% in the Commonwealth and nation overall3.

Population by Race

Races other than Black, American Indian, Alaska Native, Hawaiian or Pacific Islander make up 1.1% of the total population in KY3.

Population by Ethnicity

The primary ethnicity in Gallatin County is non-Hispanic. According to the 2020 5-year estimates, over 94% of Gallatin County selected ā€œnon-Hispanicā€ as their ethnicity compared to 81.8% in the nation overall3. Gallatin has a higher than average ā€œHispanicā€ population comprising its residents, at 5.2% compared with the Commonwealth at 3.8%3.

Compared to the Commonwealth and nation, Gallatin County has significantly lower percentages of residents who declare any of the other races or who declare having ā€œsome other raceā€ or ā€œTwo or more Racesā€.