Social Determinants of Health (aka: SDOH) are factors and conditions that exist where we are born, raised, live, work, play, learn and worship that affect a wide range of health, functiioning and quality of life outcomes and risks. Factors include healthcare access and quality, economic stability, education, social and community context and neighborhood and built environment.
Advocates, Collaborators, Leaders, All One Team!
Tick exposure can occur year round, but ticks are most active during warmer months (April-September). Learn how to prevent tick bites. Learn what to do if you have been bitten. Think you have symptoms of a tick-borne disease? Contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible to be assessed, tested, and/or treated.
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We are the Three Rivers District Health Department, accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board(PHAB), providing continuous quality improvement for public health.
We play a critical role in protecting and improving the health of the people and communities. We serve our following Kentucky Counties: Carroll, Gallatin, Owen, and Pendleton.
We provide a range of services aimed at promoting health behaviors; preventing diseases and injuries; access to food, water, and immunizations; and responding to public health emergencies.