Reportable Diseases and Public Health Emergencies

Reportable Diseases


Reportable diseases – are a variety of conditions that are considered to be of great public health importance and therefore warrant a report or notification of the condition. 

Surveillance – is the ongoing systematic collection, analysis, and dissemination of health data about reportable disease cases that meet the case definitions for infectious, non-infectious, and outbreak conditions as published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

Mandatory Reporting

Kentucky Revised Statute 214.000 mandates reporting by physicians. Under the authority of the general preventable disease statute, KRS 211.180, the Cabinet for Health Services has also promulgated an administrative regulation, 902 KAR 2:020, which extends reporting responsibility to hospitals, clinical laboratories, nurses, and all other health care professionals.

The purpose of the report is for early identification and implementation of quick mitigation measures to prevent outbreaks and/or epidemics that threaten the health of the public.

How to Submit a Report

Adverse health data is reported on the Kentucky Reportable Disease Form, EPID 200, to the Three Rivers District Health Department or the Kentucky Department for Public Health. Reports should be faxed to the health department for reportable diseases at 502-484-0864.

If you need to contact TRDHD regarding a notifiable or reportable condition, you may contact 

Justin Pittman                               Michelle Wilburn
(502) 682-0294                              (859) 750-4268

To contact an epidemiologist 24/7, call (859) 750-4268.

In urgent circumstances, you may contact the
Kentucky Department for Public Health,
Division of Epidemiology and Health Planning,
at 1-888-973-7678, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Public Health Emergencies

24/7 Contact Information

In case of a public health emergency, please contact

Justin Pittman,
Environmental Health & Preparedness Manager,
24/7 at (502) 682-0294.

Georgia Heise, DrPH
District Director
(502) 330-2670.
