Public Swimming Facilities

What is Pool School?

Pool School is mandatory training for Pool Operators of Public Swimming Facilities within our service area including Carroll, Gallatin, Owen, and Pendleton counties. The goal of the training is to better prepare operators for chemical and safety issues that can quickly arise in public swimming facilities and to prevent waterborne illness and disease.

Each attendee will receive a certification of training that is effective for two years. The cost for each attendee is $30. All public swimming pools within our four-county district are required to have at least one trained individual on staff.

For more information on the Swimming Pool Operator Training Course, please contact Justin Pittman at 502-484-3412 or 

Carroll County Health Center – (502) 732-6641
Gallatin County Health Center – (859) 567-2844
Owen County Health Center – (502) 484-5736
Pendleton County Health Center – (859) 654-6985


Resources and Links
