9. Employment-Industry and Class of worker

EMPLOYMENT INDUSTRY AND CLASS OF WORKER According to the 2020 ACS 5-year estimates, the leading industry for Owen County’s employed population 16 years and older was Manufacturing, representing a ¼ of all jobs followed by Education, 17.3%, and Retail at 10.6%7. The most common occupations were those related to management, business, science, and arts occupations […]

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LANGUAGE PRIMARY LANGUAGE SPOKEN AT HOME The primary language spoken at home in Owen County is English, representing more than 98% of households4. Indo-European languages represent those languages spoken mostly in Europe and areas of European settlement and in much of Southwest and South Asia. They include well known languages such as Iranian, Greek, German,

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7. Nativity

NATIVITY PLACE OF BIRTH Of Owen County residents born in the United States, 99.9%, only 76.1% of the population was born in Kentucky4. Another 22.7% were born within the United States and migrated to Kentucky4. Foreign born residents represent less than 1% of the population4. “22.7% of people were born outside of Kentucky” Place of

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4. Households-Size

HOUSEHOLDS SIZE The 2020 ACS 5-year estimates there are 4,246 total households in Owen County4. The average owner-occupied household size of 2.53 persons per household is just slightly smaller than the Commonwealth and national averages at 2.55 and 2.69 respectively5. Owen County’s average household size is slightly larger than the average in Kentucky and the

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2. Population Growth

POPULATION TRENDS GROWTH Over the last 100 years, Owen County’s population trends have seen a steady rate of decline with brief periods of increase and stabilization. In comparison to other counties and the state overall, Owen County’s population is declining, representing a 100-year growth rate of approximately -24% compared with a 95% increase in Kentucky1,2.

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