National Nutrition Month®

March is National Nutrition Month®

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National Nutrition Month® is sponsored by The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. It is a great way to evaluate your eating habits and identify opportunties to incorporate new foods into your diet or simply explore new flavors for more healthful foods and meals.

1st Week - Eat with the environment in mind

  • Enjoy more plant-based meals and snacks.
  • Purchase foods with minimal packaging.
  • Buy foods in season and shop locally when possible.
  • Start a container or backyard garden to grow food at home.

2nd Week - See a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN)

  • Ask your doctor for a referral to an RDN.
  • Find an RDN who specializes in your unique needs.
  • Learn how nutrient needs may change with age.
  • Receive personalized nutrition information to meet your health goals.

3rd Week - Stay nourished and save money

  • Plan your meals and snacks.
  • See what food you have at home before purchasing more.
  • Use a grocery list and shop sales when purchasing food.
  • Learn about community resources such as SNAP, WIC and local food banks.

4th Week - Eat a variety of foods from all food groups

  • Include your favorite cultural foods and traditions.
  • Eat foods in various forms including fresh, frozen, canned, and dried.
  • Avoid fad diets that promote unnecessary restrictions.
  • Practice gratitude for your body by giving it the fuel it needs.

5th Week - Make tasty foods at home

  • Learn cooking and meal preparation skills.
  • Try new flavors and foods from around the world.
  • Find creative ways to use leftovers rather than tossing them.
  • Create happy memories by eating with friends and family when possible.