Community Themes and Strengths


The Community Health Survey was created for each county individually to address unique geographic details and made available online utilizing Survey Monkey. The survey consisted of 52 multiple-choice, yes/no, and opinion questions and was offered in Spanish for participants with limited English proficiency. To ensure a larger sample size, not all questions were mandatory, seeking to obtain data points along a variety of subjects from a majority of respondents, rather than missing all input from a respondent when they were either not comfortable answering the question, or were unsure.

The survey availability was promoted through online social media platforms including Facebook, at local county MAPP community meetings, and offered for a period of six months from August 2019 to March 2020.


Having an accurate sample size is crucial in determining and identifying statistically significant findings. The statistical significance of a sample size allows us to apply findings from a relatively small sample of a population to a larger or complete population. In the case of our Community Health Surveys, to obtain a confidence interval of 95% (the generally accepted margin of error, or degree of accuracy) we would need a sample size of 371, 369, 372, and 375 in Carroll, Gallatin, Owen, and Pendleton counties respectively. Actual sample sizes were slightly less in Carroll, Owen, and Pendleton counties, providing for a confidence interval between 94.67% and 94.76% in each of those counties. Gallatin County had a sufficient sample size to provide a confidence interval of nearly 96% at 95.8% respectively.

Population Sample Size for 95% CI Actual Sample Size Confidence Interval Margin of Error
Carroll 10,631 371 339 94.76% +/- 5.24%
Gallatin 8,869 369 512 95.80% +/- 4.2%
Owen 10,901 372 334 94.72% +/- 5.28%
Pendleton 14,590 375 330 94.67% +/- 5.33%

As not all questions required a response, some topics or questions may have a larger margin of error or lower confidence interval having a direct impact on the statistical significance of any given data point when not all participants responded. To simplify and accelerate the availability of the data and report, the error margin has not been provided for each data point throughout the report but can be made available upon request where a data point is applied to the larger population.

Additionally, there were 34 surveys started wherein, no data was recorded in any field other than language, and another 22 surveys that recorded language, county, age, and city only. These surveys are not included in the analyses, nor were they utilized in calculating any margin of error since there was no data of any significance submitted.


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